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Why is Matcha so good for you?

We've all heard how green tea is great for our health. When you brew green tea the properties of the leaves infuse into the water.
The difference with Matcha is that you are actually consuming the entire leaf in powdered form, thus consuming far more goodness. Additionally, the leaves for Matcha are specially grown in shade before harvest, which further boosts the nutritional content. In particular, shade growing increases the amino acid
L-theanine, which has been shown to increase mental focus, reduce stress and improve sleep quality.

Antioxidants are found in fruit, vegetables and nuts. However studies have shown that Matcha contains over 20 times the level of antioxidants found in other superfoods. Antioxidants are powerful substances which protect cells from free radical damage, which can cause a wide range of illness and chronic diseases. In addition to preventing illness, antioxidants have been shown to protect against heart problems, eye problems, memory problems, mood disorders and immune system failures.


Some of the health benefits of matcha

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Protect your heart

Matcha reduces levels of total cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Matcha contains high levels of flavonoids which reduce the risk of clot formation and atherosclerosis (buildup in arteries), and reduces the risk of vascular inflammation, all of which can cause strokes and heart attacks.

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Prevent illness

If your body is overwhelmed by free radicals, this can lead to a range of illnesses and even diseases. Antioxidants are powerful substances which actively protect your cells from free radical damage. Studies have also shown that Matcha contains Antibacterial properties such as EGCG, which can prevent the growth of viruses such as cold and flu.

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Increase mental focus

The L-theanine in Matcha directly effects brain wave activity and results in decreased stress levels and increased relaxation. Matcha also contains caffeine which can improve brain reaction times, help increase memory and prolong your attention span. The L-theanine in Matcha actually alters the effects of caffeine, creating a more gradual and steadier release, and avoiding a caffeine crash.

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Help to reduce weight

Green tea is well known to support weight loss, and Matcha is the purest form of green tea available. Numerous studies show that green tea increases your metabolism and fat burning, both of which aid in weight loss.

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Defense against cancer

Matcha is very high in epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a type of catechin known to have powerful anti-cancer properties. Although further research is needed to determine the potential for Matcha to help prevent cancer in humans, some studies have slowed the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells in animals.

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Lower cholesterol

Catechins are among the many types of antioxidant found in Matcha. Studies have shown that catechins can help to lower blood pressure, reducing the chances of heart disease, heart attack, stroke, and other health issues.

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Lower blood pressure

In addition to lowering blood pressure, Catechins can also help to lower your LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and total cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol can lead to heart attacks, stroke and heart disease.

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Reduce inflammation

There is a type of antioxidant in Matcha called Polyphenols. Polyphenols may ease the inflammation caused by some conditions, such as arthritis. Polyphenols can also slow the deterioration of cartilage, the tissue needed to cushion your joints.


Higher quality tea, Greater health benefits!

The highest quality Matcha will contain larger quantity's of compounds such as L-theanine, antioxidants and vitamins. Matcha Life is the top grade, produced organically and shade grown for longer periods to improve quality.
All our Matcha is produced from the very first picking of a tea plant's harvest season. These 'First Flush' leaves are the youngest and most tender, which results in the best quality tea that the plant is capable of producing.